Through its CityBench program, DOT installs backed and backless benches at bus stops and in commercial areas to support transit use and to encourage walking. DOT installs two types of benches; both are designed to enhance usability for older adults and people with ambulatory disabilities.

Backed CityBench

Backless CityBench
- Backed: 7'-6" L x 20.5” W x 1'-6" H (seat) / 2'-10.375" H (back)
- Backless: 7'-6" L x 20.5” W x 1'-6" H (seat) / 1'-10.625" (handle)
- Variations in color and finish may be considered, but require PDC approval and a maintenance agreement with DOT
- Locations that meet DOT’s strategic objectives — e.g., at bus stops without shelters and Access-A-Ride designated stops, near senior centers, along commercial corridors, and near cultural institutions
- Benches adjacent and parallel to the building shall be installed no more than 12 inches from the building face
- Benches adjacent and parallel to the curb must be placed 36 inches from the curb
- Minimum clear path: 8 feet
Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF]
See the Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF] for information on street furniture siting.
- DOT personnel install and maintain CityBenches
- CityBenches must be installed on concrete; if distinctive paving materials are present, a concrete foundation can be utilized with appropriate detailing
For More Information
- New Yorkers can request a CityBench online
- Email to report damage
- The installation of benches outside of the CityBench program is permitted but requires an agreement with DOT. For complete regulations regarding revocable consents, including siting requirements, refer to Rules of the City of New York, Title 34, Chapter 7 and the Revocable Consents webpage