A temporary seating installation in the furnishing zone or parking lane that creates an inviting location for eating, reading, working, meeting a friend, or taking a rest during the warm-weather months. Interested parties apply to DOT, select the design, and install and maintain the StreetSeat. Any type of business or institution (such as a museum or community organization) that owns or operates the frontage at the ground floor of a building may be eligible to install and maintain a StreetSeat. Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) and non-profit organizations without frontage are also eligible, if they work in partnership with a local business that does have frontage.

- Standard Dimensions: 20’ L x 6’ W
- Stainless steel, aluminum, lumber, composite, plastic
- Designs on gravel without platform are preferred
- Custom designs are allowed, and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis
- Includes vertical elements such as planters and seating
- All potential StreetSeat sites are expected to be both safe and practical
- Site must be a pleasant place to sit
- Adjoining sidewalk must be free of major obstructions such as fire hydrants, driveways, newsstands, or bus stops
- The lane along the curb cannot be a moving traffic lane at any time of day. The parking regulations at the curb must be suitable for the installation
- All applications for StreetSeat require support from the property owner and approval from the local Community Board prior to installation
- The presence of certain types of underground utilities may render locations unsuitable for StreetSeat
- Applications must be resubmitted annually
Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF]
See the Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF] for information on street furniture siting.
- Annual installation and removal are coordinated by the maintenance partner
- DOT installs operational elements, such as signage, wheel stop bars, striping on the parking lane, and/or temporary plastic bollards
For More Information
- Visit the StreetSeat web page