The WalkNYC Wayfinding system encourages walking, transit use, and cycling by providing easy-to-understand maps and directional information. DOT installs a family of wayfinding elements citywide.

WalkNYC Wayfinding Path (Type A) pedestrian sign: Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn

WalkNYC Wayfinding Area (Type B) pedestrian sign: Canal Street, Manhattan
- Maps are “heads-up”—they are oriented according to the direction the user is facing
- Three sign types serve pedestrians and transit users:
- Available in 3 sizes for maximum siting flexibility:
Path: 1'-6" L x 5" W x 8'-8" H
Area: 2'-10" L x 5" W x 8'-6" H
Neighborhood: 4'-2" L x 5" W x 8'-4" H - Installed on sidewalks and in large public spaces, at decision-making points, difficult-to-navigate areas, transit hubs, and major destinations
- Map content highlights walking distances, subway and bus information, street names, building numbers, cardinal directions, and landmarks that provide critical orientation and route planning information
WalkNYC Wayfinding Neighborhood (Type C) pedestrian sign: Times Square, Broadway and W 46th Street, Manhattan
- 43" L flag, 11'-6" H
- Provides directional information to local destinations
WalkNYC Wayfinding Fingerpost: 2nd Avenue and E 102nd Street, Manhattan
Real-Time Bus Arrival Information
- 2' L x 5" W x 10'-1" H
- Installed at stations along SBS routes and at other high ridership bus stops
- Provides real-time bus arrival information
- Maps include bus routes and route destinations in addition to the standard WalkNYC Wayfinding sign content
WalkNYC Real-Time Bus Arrival sign: E 125th Street and Madison Avenue, Manhattan
- Minimum 18 inches from the curb
- Maps are installed at bike share stations, at NYC Ferry landings, in most subway station mezzanines, and at a selection of other existing kiosks or sign locations citywide
Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF]
See the Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF] for information on street furniture siting.
- DOT is responsible for installation and maintenance; signs may be installed as part of DDC capital projects
For More Information
- Visit the WalkNYC web page or email