CityRacks provide free, short-term bicycle parking on sidewalks throughout the five boroughs. There are two types of racks: large hoop and small hoop.

CityRack (large hoop)

CityRack (small hoop)
- Large hoop: 33.7"-diameter, cast-metal circle with a horizontal bar across the center
- Small hoop: 18"-diameter, cast-metal circle installed on retired parking meter poles
Large hoop
- Must be installed on city-owned property
- 12-foot minimum sidewalk width
- Away from pedestrian flow, usually at the curb, and always away from crosswalks
- If installed at the curb, clearance from the curb must be a minimum of 18 inches
- Can only be installed on concrete
Small hoop
- On existing, retired parking meter poles
Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF]
See the Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF] for information on street furniture siting.
- DOT installs and maintains large hoop CityRacks requested through the program
For More Information
- Visit the CityRack Program web page for more information or to fill out the online form to suggest a location for a CityRack
- Email to report damage