Newsstands are part of the Coordinated Street Furniture Franchise. They are fabricated from stainless steel and glass. The product displays can be customized by each operator from a standard kit of parts.

Small newsstand: Wall Street, Manhattan

Large newsstand: Wall Street, Manhattan
- Newsstands are available in multiple sizes to accommodate varying site conditions, and PDC generally recommends the following dimensions:
- 8’ or 10’ L x 4’ W x 9' H
- 10’ or 12’ L x 5' W x 9' H (although 8' L is acceptable when site conditions dictate)
- 12’ L x 6' W x 9' H (although 10' L is acceptable when site conditions dictate)
- New newsstand applications are administered by DCWP and reviewed by DOT and either PDC or LPC
- JCDecaux installs new newsstands at locations approved by DCWP, DOT, and PDC. PDC’s newsstand guidelines can be found on the Newsstands web page
- Minimum clear path: 9.5 feet
- Minimum of 18 inches from the curb
- Avoid installation at sites where the newsstand would block views of artwork or landmarked structures or where PDC has previously rejected placement, unless a change in site conditions since the initial PDC determination can be documented by the applicant
- Installation of three or more newsstands at a single intersection is discouraged
- Non-static digital advertising is only permitted in approved flashing sign districts
- For complete siting criteria, refer to DCWP rules and regulations
Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF]
See the Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF] for information on street furniture siting.
- Businesses apply to DCWP for licenses to operate newsstands in specific locations
- Once a location and newsstand proportions are approved, the newsstand operator is responsible for reimbursing the franchisee (JCDecaux) for the cost of construction
For More Information
- To learn more about the Coordinated Street Furniture Franchise, call 311, visit the Coordinated Street Furniture web page, or email