Usage: Limited
A bike lane that is raised above the roadway to sidewalk grade, or in between sidewalk and roadway grade. Grade-separated bike lanes are utilized where there is adequate right of way adjacent to the roadway or connecting through parks or other properties. Grade-separated bike lanes are typically designed as two-way facilities.

Queensboro Bridge Greenway, Queens

Van Brunt Street, Brooklyn
See benefits of Protected Bike Lane
- Provides the greatest protection for cycling
- Can be located either within the public right-of-way or on properties owned by private entities allowing for connection of cycling facilities where on-street facilities are not feasible
- Grade-separated bike lanes that require capital construction can often include planted areas or trees
- Because grade-separated bike lanes are not located in the street, curbside access is maintained for motor vehicle loading, parking, or other uses
- Design consideration must be given to pedestrians with vision or ambulatory disabilities; emergency-vehicle and paratransit access to adjacent buildings; snow-clearing and street-sweeping needs; commercial vehicles loading and unloading; bicycling visibility at intersections; and establishment of right of way
- Grade change should be clear to all road users
- If lane is also two-way, see considerations for Two-Way Bike Lane
- Where the bike lane serves as an important connection to the bike network, or is along a park, waterfront, other open space where cross streets and driveways are infrequent
- Grade-separated bike lanes are typically designed as two-way facilities
- Care must be given to the design of grade-separated bike lanes at intersections and driveways to maintain visibility of the cyclist to motorists and to reduce the risk of turning conflicts with motor vehicles
- In some circumstances (e.g., long stretches along open space or waterfront), a grade-separated bike lane can be designed for biking, walking, and other non-motorized uses rather than as a separate bike facility and sidewalk
- If designed as a shared-use facility, provide adequate space to accommodate anticipated volumes of lower- and higher-speed users and minimize conflicts
Bike Lane table [PDF]
See the Bike Lane table [PDF] for a listing of typical bikeway designs and their respective spatial requirements, ideal applications, and advantages and disadvantages.