A pedestal, typically with a charging cord, for charging electric vehicles. In keeping with the city’s greenhouse gas emission reduction goals as outlined in the 1.5°C Climate Action Plan and 80x50, the city is partnering with Consolidated Edison (Con Ed) to deploy over 60 on-street electric vehicle (EV) chargers across the city as a 3-year pilot program.

Rendering of pilot EV charger at Myrtle Avenue and Clermont Avenue, Brooklyn (Credit: WXY)
- Pedestal with charging cord, cord management system, and customer interface for payment
- The initial pilot deployment will use chargers provided by FLO, a subsidiary of AddEnergie
- Must be located within the furnishing zone
- DOT and Con Ed collaboratively site EV chargers
Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF]
See the Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF] for information on street furniture siting.
- Con Ed installs on-street chargers