The Third Edition of the Street Design Manual renews the Manual’s status as a living document and reinforces its role as a critical resource for those working on projects in New York City’s public right-of-way. It provides both a thorough update to the guidance in previous iterations and a number of important additions: a new chapter on public programming in streets and public spaces; a host of new entries throughout the Process, Geometry, Furniture, and Landscape chapters; and substantially expanded coverage of several key topics, including bike lanes, inclusive design, and landscape selection and management. Moreover, the Third Edition is available online to increase the reach and accessibility of this essential reference document.
This document is the result of substantial intra- and inter-agency collaboration. The following agencies participated in its creation: the Departments of Design and Construction (DDC), City Planning (DCP), Environmental Protection (DEP), and Parks and Recreation (Parks), as well as the Economic Development Corporation (EDC), the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC), the Public Design Commission (PDC), and the Mayor’s Office.
The policies and guidelines in the Street Design Manual are the foundation of designs for all projects that impact public and private streets in New York City, including roadways, sidewalks, and plazas. They should be used by agency staff, design professionals, community groups, and other entities involved in the planning and design of streets. DOT uses the Manual to review projects for quality and consistency.
Examples of applicable projects include operational and capital projects, such as street reconstructions and resurfacings; operational and traffic control treatments; street work associated with new or renovated buildings; and other public or private construction projects that include roadways, sidewalks, and plazas.
The guidance presented in the Street Design Manual does not supersede any existing federal, state, or city laws, rules, and regulations. All projects remain subject to relevant statutes—including, but not limited to, the Zoning Resolution and the City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR)—and appropriate reviews and approvals of oversight agencies such as PDC, LPC, and OMB.
Public workshop for DOT's Citywide Transit Plan at Elmhurst Hospital Center: Elmhurst, Queens