This treatment is commonly used in very flat areas where drainage is a challenge. The curb and first 6-12 inches of the roadway are poured together to create an integral concrete structure. The concrete gutter and curb act to maintain positive drainage to the nearest catch basin and ensure that grading will be maintained over time when compared to the adjacent asphalt roadway.
*While this treatment is considered standard, its use should be limited to only areas where needed to accommodate challenging grading and drainage conditions.

See benefits of Cast-in-Place Concrete
- Provides a consistent, rigid gutter line to ensure positive drainage is maintained at locations with grading challenges, such as at pedestrian ramps and in areas with flat topography
- Steel facing can be incorporated if located along a route with heavy vehicles
- Consider maintenance cycles and differential wearing of the concrete gutter compared to the adjacent asphalt roadway
This material may be used in areas with challenging grading or drainage conditions
Concrete curb specification source: DOT Standard Specifications Section 4.08, 3.05
Integral Curb and Gutter specification source: DOT Standard Specifications Section 2.13, 3.05, 4.09
Concrete curb detail source: DOT Standard Details drawing # H-1044
Integral Curb and Gutter detail source: DOT Standard Details drawing
- Curb Size: 6 inches wide on top, 18 inches deep; 7-inch reveal above roadway
- Gutter Size: may vary, but is typically 6-12 inches. Consider aligning with catch basins or other drainage infrastructure
- Expansion joints of curb should line up with expansion joints of sidewalk
- Steel facing should be used on streets where repeated mounting by heavy vehicles may cause damage
- May require metal reinforcement bars as specified by DOT
- For pigmented concrete curbs, see Pigmented Concrete (Dark) and Pigmented Concrete (Historic Materials) for design guidance and specification information on pigmented concrete sidewalks
- Sustainability opportunity: Supplementary cementitious materials (SCM)
- Sustainability opportunity: Salvaged or recycled steel facing
See maintenance for Unpigmented Concrete
- DOT generally maintains this material