Block parties are community-organized car-free events that open a street to the community by restricting vehicle access and offering free, family-friendly activities to neighborhood residents.

Sinclair Avenue, Staten Island
- Temporarily opens neighborhood streets to community activities
- Encourages pedestrian activity
- Fosters community-building among neighbors
Scope and Eligibility
- Closes a single block for up to nine hours
- Must be open to all neighbors on the block; block parties are not permitted for private events
- No alcohol, fundraising, sponsorship, or sale of goods or services permitted; if event includes any vendors or sponsors, see Street Fair for a description of a single block festival
- Applicant must be a member of a block association and have signatures of the majority of block residents in support of the event
- Application due to SAPO 60 days prior to event
- A $25 application fee is required
- Requires block or tenant association approvals prior to applying
- Additional permits or insurance may be required (e.g. rides and inflatables require a permit and additional insurance from DCWP; petting zoos or other non-domesticated animals require a permit from DOHMH)
- Rain dates are not permitted
Recommendations and Best Practices
- Coordinate with the corresponding Community Boards for comment and approval as SAPO considers these comments when approving permits
- Make contact early with the relevant NYPD Precinct and obtain their approval of the proposed street closures
- Retrieve 'No Parking' signage from your local precinct and post them on the permitted blocks in advance of event date