The LeaningBar, a new element for Select Bus Service and other high ridership bus stops, complements CityBenches by providing another opportunity for transit riders to rest as they wait for the bus. Leaning can be especially appealing to people for whom sitting requires greater effort.

34th Street, Manhattan

- 8’ L x 8" W x 2’-10.75” H
- Anodized aluminum casting and stainless steel
- Currently, DOT sites LeaningBars along Select Bus Service routes, typically in line with the bus shelter, fare machines, WalkNYC Wayfinding signs and CityBenches
Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF]
See the Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF] for information on street furniture siting.
- DOT personnel install and maintain LeaningBars
For More Information
- Email for information or to report damage