Bus stop shelters are part of the Coordinated Street Furniture Franchise that is managed by JCDecaux. The award-winning, stainless-steel and glass design provides seating and protection for bus users. Bus stop shelters are supported by advertising and generate revenue for the city.

Castleton Avenue, Staten Island

Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn
- Shelters are configured in five sizes:
- Regular: 14’ L x 5’ W x 8'-11" H
- Narrow: 14’ L x 3’-6" W x 8'-11" H
- Short: 10’ L x 5’ W x 8'-11" H
- Little: 10’ L x 3’-6" W x 8'-11" H
- Double: 26’ L x 5’ W x 8'-11" H
- Advertising panels on sides; clear glass on back
- Stainless steel and glass
- Minimum clear path: 7 feet
- All shelters must allow a straight unobstructed path of a
- minimum of 3 feet between the shelter and the curb
- Installation requires 6-8 inches sub-surface clearance
Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF]
See the Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF] for information on street furniture siting.
As of 2019, all shelters available pursuant to the franchise agreement have been installed
JCDecaux is responsible for all construction or maintenance related to bus stop shelters
For More Information
To learn more about the Coordinated Street Furniture Franchise, call 311, visit the Coordinated Street Furniture web page, or email streetfurniture@dot.nyc.gov