Capital Project
The Grand Concourse is one of the busiest, most iconic thoroughfares in the Bronx. The 5-mile-long project area is in the top 10% of pedestrian deaths and serious injuries in the Borough. Following the successful implementation of a Street Improvement Project (SIP) in 2009, over $250 million was invested in safety improvements and other enhancements. In 2014, with the inception of the Vision Zero initiative, the Grand Concourse was named a Vision Zero Great Street, designating it as a priority for redesign. The current multi-phase Capital investment project will include improvements that target existing safety conditions, reduce vehicle delays, and greatly improve walking, cycling, and driving.

- Rebuild, expand, and plant medians.
- Enhance cyclist safety with grade-separated bike lanes.
- Add curb extensions.
- Reconfigure slip lanes with stop controls.
- Enhance safety and visibility at crossings with raised crosswalks.
- Passes through West Concourse, Mount Hope, Fordham, Bedford Park, and Van Cortlandt Village.
- As a high-density residential and commercial corridor, Grand Concourse is a venue for active, vibrant public life in the Bronx.
- Grand Concourse is recognized for its rich architectural history; the corridor is flanked by a large concentration of Art Deco-style buildings.
- The B and D lines run below the high-volume corridor, situating it at the intersection of several modes of transit.
Project Origination
- Beginning in the mid-2000s, the high pedestrian fatality rate at Grand Concourse drew attention to the corridor as a significant safety concern, and Grand Concourse has since been formally designated a Vision Zero Priority Corridor to reflect the urgency of safety hazards
- Addressing these challenges, and leveraging strong political will, DOT moved forward with work to narrow a service road and stripe out medians along Grand Concourse. DOT's Bridges, who were reconstructing Lou Gehrig Plaza at E 161st Street, agreed to build out Phase 1 of the Grand Concourse safety improvements as part of their existing Capital project
- Coupling the first phase safety improvements with Bridges' Capital work enabled the successful completion of the needed safety improvements and, consequently, substantial benefits to the public realm
- Phases 1 and 2 of the project were completed prior to the launch of the Vision Zero Great Streets Initiative
Planning and Design
- The project is currently funded through five phases covering E 161st to E 198th Streets
- Phases 1 and 2 are complete; Phase 3 is in construction; Phase 4, which includes a grade-separated bike lane along the median, is beginning construction; Phase 5 is beginning design; Phases 6 and 7 are not currently funded
- Design includes landscaping, new crossings, protected median expansions, protected bike facilities, and bus improvements
- Crossings are improved with upgraded accessibility and raised crosswalks
- Several signalized intersections were installed to ease crossing where median barriers had disrupted the grid.
- Because the B and D lines run below the entire corridor, the project requires ongoing coordination with MTA
- SIP implementation: May 2009 -June 2009
- Phase 1 (Lou Gehrig Plaza): March 2006 - 2008 (Construction)
- Phase 2 (E 166th to E 171 Streets): May 2014 - October 2017 (Construction)
- Phase 3 (E 171st to E 175th Streets): December 2017 - May 2020, planned (in construction)
- Local Community Boards have responded positively to the project, expressing satisfaction with new median plantings and improved maintenance
- Three years after the completion of Phase 1, total injuries have decreased 45% along the segment of Grand Concourse from 161st to 165th Streets
- Phases 1 and 2 have been replanted, and long-term maintenance agreements are in place to ensure the longevity of plantings, which have contributed to the beautification of the corridor
Capital construction over the last decade at Grand Concourse has improved pedestrian crossings and bike infrastructure: Bronx