Usage: Distinctive
Granite cut to long sections and laid as curbing. Sawfinishing, achieved by cutting the granite with a stone saw and polishing out saw marks, provides a smooth, clean look. Split finishing, typically achieved by hand-chiseling, exposes the natural cleft of the stone, giving a roughhewn texture.

Gansevoort Street, Manhattan.
- Adds distinction and visual enhancement to sidewalk
- Reinforces historic character (if applicable)
- Extremely durable
- Can be removed and replaced as needed
- Much higher material cost than concrete
- This material is appropriate for all streets, especially commercial districts, including use in combination with concrete sidewalk
- Granite curb is usually required in historic districts, adjacent to individual landmarks, or in areas with existing granite curb where the historic fabric remains intact
Specification source: DOT Standard Specifications Section 2.12, 4.07
Saw-finish curb detail source: DOT Standard Detail drawing # H-1056
Split-finish curb detail source: DOT Standard Detail drawing # H-1056A
- Size: 5 inches to 8 inches wide on top, 4 inches of minimum width on bottom, 16 inches deep
- Must have lip with batter and rounded edge
- Slip resistance at top of curb: minimum 0.60 coefficient of friction when wet
- Sustainability opportunity: Salvaged granite curb
- DOT generally maintains this material
- Low-maintenance, resists cracking and discoloration
- Difficult to patch and must therefore be replaced by section if severely damaged