Devices that can be deployed to reduce flood impacts to buildings, roadways, and other assets. NYCEM, in coordination with MOR and DOT, is siting barriers around the perimeters of strategic locations and critical facilities in flood-prone areas. These “blue-sky” barriers will be on site continuously, forming alignments that tie into high points and protect low-lying areas. Gaps in the alignments will accommodate facility access, pedestrian clear path, clearances from other street furniture, and other siting constraints. In the days prior to major storms, “just-intime” measures will be deployed in these gaps to create complete flood barriers.

- A wall of interconnected, rectangular containers of geotextile fabric with wire meshing, filled with sand or other organic matter. Artistic designs can be applied to the vertical face of the barrier
- 36-42” W x 36-48” H
Just-in-time measures
- Water-filled tubes stacked and strapped together to withstand floodwaters
- Each tube 50’ L and 24-36” in diameter
- NYCEM, in coordination with MOR, DOT, NYPD, DEP, Parks, and adjacent property owners as necessary, sites temporary flood protection measures
- PDC approval is required
- Access and circulation are paramount in the planning of temporary flood protection measures in the right-of-way
- For building flood protection, deployable systems are installed around the perimeter of the building
- For systems intended to provide flood protection to larger geographic areas like neighborhoods, temporary installation occurs in sidewalk or roadway areas, and should minimize pedestrian and vehicular flow impacts
Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF]
See the Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF] for information on street furniture siting.
- NYCEM installs temporary flood protection measures
For More Information
- For more information on the Interim Flood Protection Measures Program, visit the Interim Flood Protection Measures Program web page