A clean-up temporarily restricts vehicle access and parking on a block to allow a group of volunteers or a nonprofit to safely remove litter and debris from the roadway and sidewalks. A clean-up can be scheduled in advance of other SAPO-permitted events to prepare the space for community activities.

Greenpoint, Brooklyn

Greenpoint, Brooklyn
- Cleans and maintains the public realm
- Encourages pedestrian activity and comfort
- Supports local public realm stewardship
Scope and Eligibility
- Closes a single block for up to four hours
- No alcohol, fundraising, sponsorship , or sale of goods or services is permitted
- Must be organized by a documented nonprofit, or an individual with a local relationship to the proposed location
- Application due to SAPO 60 days prior to event
- A $25 application fee is required
- Requires block or tenant association approvals prior to applying
- Applicant must provide commercial general liability insurance in the amount of $1 million per occurrence naming the City of New York as an additional insured
- Additional permits or insurance may be required (e.g., amplified sound requires a permit from NYPD; generators require a certificate from FDNY and, when over 40kW, also require a certification from DEP)
- Rain dates are not permitted
Recommendations and Best Practices
- Coordinate with the corresponding Community Boards for comment and approval as SAPO considers these comments when approving permits
- Make contact early with the relevant NYPD Precinct and obtain their approval of the proposed street closures
- Retrieve 'No Parking' signage from your local precinct and post them on the permitted blocks in advance of event date