In response to the lack of public restrooms in New York City, JCDecaux, the Coordinated Street Furniture Franchisee, installs automatic public toilets (APTs). These self-cleaning, state-of-the-art facilities offer comfort, hygiene, accessibility, and security to the public.

Exterior of Automatic Public Toilet: Madison Square Park, Madison Avenue, Manhattan

Interior of Automatic Public Toilet
- 12' L x 6’-7” W x 8'-9" H
- Stainless steel and glass
- On wide streets, only in commercial, manufacturing, or mixed-use districts
- On sidewalks or plazas on or adjacent to property owned or leased by a government agency or public authority, or under the jurisdiction of EDC
- On large traffic islands or public places bounded on all sides by mapped streets under the jurisdiction of DOT
- On or adjacent to parks or playgrounds, subject to the approval of Parks
- In close proximity to water, sewer, and electrical connections
- Minimum clear path in front: 8 feet; all other sides: 5 feet
- There must be no obstruction within 6 feet below the APT footprint
- Siting of APTs is subject to PDC review
Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF]
See the Furniture Siting Guidelines diagram [PDF] for information on street furniture siting.
- DOT determines where to install APTs
- JCDecaux installs and maintains APTs at DOT’s direction
For More Information
- To learn more about the Coordinated Street Furniture Franchise, call 311, visit the Coordinated Street Furniture web page, or email