Usage: Limited
A marked pedestrian crosswalk at an intersection or a mid-block location constructed at a higher elevation than the adjacent roadway. A raised crosswalk is essentially a speed table that meets the adjacent curbs, and has a full-width crosswalk contained within the flat portion of the table, usually 10- to 15-feet wide. It combines the benefits of a Raised Speed Reducer with increased accessibility and enhanced visibility for the pedestrians crossing.

E 5th Street and Fort Hamilton Parkway, Brooklyn
- Enhances access for people with ambulatory disabilities by providing level crossing
- Compels drivers to travel at speeds no higher than the street’s design speed
- Improves drivers’ awareness of presence of pedestrian crossing, particularly at mid-block crossing locations
- Can alert drivers that they are entering a slower-speed, pedestrian-oriented street environment
- Allows convenient pedestrian circulation between high foot traffic destinations on opposite sides of a street
- Encourages motorists to yield to pedestrians
- May impact street drainage or require catch basin relocation
- Attention should be given to accommodation of and navigation by people with vision disabilities
- Any crosswalk location that also meets the criteria for Raised Speed Reducers
- Consider at areas of particularly high pedestrian crossing demand on narrower streets (maximum of two moving lanes), such as locations with pedestrian generators, particularly for children and seniors (e.g., major commercial or cultural destinations, transit entrances, parks, schools) on opposite sides of the street
- Consider as a more robust option for mid-block crossings, particularly enhanced crossings
- Consider on the outer roadways of multi-lane boulevards at crossings
- Not appropriate for arterial roadways
See design guidance for Raised Speed Reducers
- Appropriate warning signs and roadway markings should accompany raised crosswalk
- Use signage or other methods to alert snow-clearing vehicle operators to the presence of raised crosswalk
- Detectable Warning Surface should be provided at crosswalk location. They should be red when adjoining light-colored sidewalks, such as Unpigmented Concrete, or bright white when adjoining dark-colored surfaces, such as Pigmented Concrete, Asphalt Pavers, or Bluestone
- Utilize recycled content in paving materials